Interesting Articles 2024

Russia will sell Qatar "Kalashnikovs" and "Cornets"

Russia will supply weapons to Qatar - the military departments of the two countries have signed contracts for the supply of small arms, grenade launchers and anti-tank complexes. It is reported portal What Russia was able to interest the Arabs? So far, the details of the agreements reached have not been reported, but it is certain that the Qatari army, among other things, will receive the newest Kornet-E ATGM.

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Blondeau's awesome thick-headed bullets

The countdown of the history of this bullet began during the Second World War. She was designed and manufactured by the French resistance fighter R. Blondeau. His bullet was designed to solve a specific task - disabling enemy equipment from a relatively close distance. It should be noted that the Blondo bullet perfectly solved the task.

Roscosmos has problems with domestic electronics

In connection with the tightening of sanctions by the US and the EU, Roscosmos Corporation has serious problems in providing high-precision electronics. In particular, this is due to the restriction of access to space-based electronics. As noted in the corporation, they were hostages of the situation. For civilian and military cosmonautics, the delivery of a whole range of necessary nomenclature of electronic products sharply limited or completely stopped access to them by the Russians.

Powerful infantry support weapon - Soviet 85-mm divisional gun D-44 1946

The Soviet 85-mm divisional gun D-44 is a universal artillery system designed to destroy military installations and enemy fortifications in the front line, to destroy armored vehicles and support infantry during the offensive. The history of the creation of the D-44 gun and mass production Soviet designers of field artillery at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War began to develop a fundamentally new artillery system of the divisional level.

US Navy Improves Nuclear Warheads

The US Navy completed nuclear rearmament. In particular, the nuclear warheads W76-0 were upgraded. According to official reports from the National Nuclear Security Administration, the W76-0 warheads have been manufactured since the 70s and are used in Trident II D5 missiles. In 2008, the process of upgrading to version W76-1 began.

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Russian national emblem: description, meaning and history of the double-headed eagle

The national emblem of Russia is one of the main symbols of our country, along with the national anthem and the flag of the Russian Federation. It was approved in 1993 by decree of the first president of the country, Boris Yeltsin. However, the symbols that are depicted on the coat of arms of Russia have a much longer history, dating back to the period of the formation of the Moscow principality.

Diesel submarine "Varshavyanka" of projects 636 and 877: device, weapons and performance characteristics

On January 21, 1954, a truly significant event took place: the world's first nuclear submarine "Nautilus" was lowered from the Groton shipyard in the USA. A new era of the development of the submarine fleet. Submarines received the power plant, which allowed them for months not to appear on the surface, to develop underwater unimaginable speed and dive to unreachable depths.

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