Interesting Articles 2024

Presidents of Pakistan: the history of the formation of a Muslim state in India

Президента Пакистана выбирают на 5 лет, согласно Конституции страны. Выбирается глава правительства не совсем традиционным способом: его избирает специальная коллегия выборщиков, состоящая из членов Сената, депутатов Национальной ассамблеи и членов парламентов четырёх провинций. Один человек может занимать пост президента Пакистана два срока подряд, но не более того.

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Folding knife: modern execution

The first folding knives appeared before our era. The most ancient finds date back to 600-500 year BC. They were found during excavations of ancient Roman cities. It is possible that they were invented back in ancient Greece, but since the knives were used to complete "development", only a few copies of the Roman folding knives reached us.

Diesel truck GAZ-4301

The creation of the GAZ-4301 dump truck began in the early 90s of the last century. The first prototypes of the car appeared in 1982. They were sent to practical tests, during which the equipment traveled more than 9 thousand kilometers on all types of roads under all possible weather conditions. The same car was tested during sowing and harvesting.

Scout Knife: A Long Story

The concept of "scout knife" appeared only during the Second World War. Prior to that, the Russian soldier had no statutory knife at all. Of course, the soldiers had pocket knives, but they were not at all and did not differ in quality. The role of a knife in the army was executed by a bayonet, which was suitable only for stabbing wounds, but was of little use for economic purposes.

Valhalla - a harsh paradise of warriors of the north

Valhalla (or Valhalla) - was a paradise for the ancient Scandinavians, where after death the Vikings dreamed of entering. The word "Valhalla" can be translated from the ancient Icelandic language as "the hall of the fallen" (in the battle of the soldiers). Often one may encounter the different spelling of the word "Valhalla". This is Valhalla, Valhalla, Valhalla.

Finnish knife (finca): shape features

The Finnish knife is a legendary cold weapon, which is a frequent attribute of military and detective novels, a frequent visitor in the news bulletins of the crime chronicle. Despite the name and pedigree, the knife can rightly be called a domestic invention. The breadth of using Finnish knives is striking. The weapon is common among hunters and is included in the arsenal of special forces soldiers.

Presidents of Israel: how to revive one of the oldest countries in the world

В настоящее время Израиль управляется президентом, который является главой государства. Израиль - республика парламентского типа, где основные властные полномочия находятся в руках главы правительства. В обязанности президента входят церемониальные и представительские функции, а статус президента полностью раскрыт в специальном законе под названием "Президент государства".

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