The process of the formation of acid rain: why they are dangerous to people

Acid rain is a serious environmental problem, and their cause can be called general environmental pollution. The frequent fallout of acid rain causes alarm not only among scientists, but also among ordinary people, since these types of precipitation have a negative impact on health.

Characterized by acid rain low pH. Ordinary rainfall has a level of this indicator of 5.6. It should be noted that even with small deviations from the norm, the consequences for living organisms can be serious.

Acid rain is an environmental problem that affects flora and fauna.

With significant shifts, a reduced level of acidity can cause the death of fish, as well as many insects and even amphibians. In addition, in those areas where acid precipitation is noted, sometimes there are acid burns on the foliage of the trees, and some plants even die. Many people can feel the negative impact after acid rains fall out. Following such a rainstorm, an accumulation of toxic gases may occur in the atmosphere, and it is extremely undesirable to breathe such a gas-air mass. The consequences will not take long to wait, even with a short walk during such precipitation, the occurrence of cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary diseases, as well as asthma may occur.

Are acid rains alone a threat?

The problem of acid rain in recent decades has become more global, so all the inhabitants of the Earth would do well to think about their role - positive or negative - in this natural phenomenon. You should know that most of the harmful substances that get into the air are the product of human activity and practically never disappear. Most of them remain in the atmosphere and one fine day will return to the earth along with precipitation. And the very effect of acid rain is so serious that in some cases it may take more than one hundred years to eliminate the consequences.

In order to become more familiar with the possible consequences of acid rain, it is advisable to understand what the concept itself carries. Most scholars unanimously believe that such a formulation can be considered too narrow in order to cover the full potential of a global problem. One should not study only one rain, one should pay attention to acid hail, fog and snowfall, which also belong to carriers of harmful substances and compounds, because their formation is largely procedural identical. It should not be forgotten that with steady arid weather, toxic gases or dust clouds or all together may appear. But these formations also include acid precipitation.

Causes of Acid Rain

Forest affected by acid precipitation.

The causes of acid rain are by and large directly dependent on the human factor. Continuous pollution of the atmosphere using acid-forming compounds (such as sulfur oxide, hydrogen chloride, nitrogen, etc.) leads to an imbalance. The main producers of such substances are, of course, large industrial enterprises, for example, metallurgical, oil refining, CHP plants that burn coal or fuel oil. Despite the filters and cleaning systems, modern equipment still has not reached the level that would allow not only to completely eliminate negative impacts, but also industrial waste itself.

In addition, an increase in acid rain was observed, associated with the growth of motor transport on the planet. A large amount of exhaust gases, although in small doses, still contributes to the appearance of harmful acid compounds. And if you count the total number of vehicles, the degree of pollution, one can say, has reached a critical point. In addition to the foregoing, many household items, for example, aerosols, cleaning / detergents, etc., also contribute to the mite.

Another reason for the occurrence of acid rain, not counting the human factor, may be some natural processes. In particular, volcanic activity may result in their occurrence, during which large amounts of sulfur are ejected. Moreover, it participates in the formation of gaseous compounds in the process of decomposition of individual organic substances, which in turn also leads to air pollution.

The mechanism of formation of acid rain

All harmful substances that have been emitted into the atmosphere begin to react with elements of solar energy, carbon dioxide or water, resulting in the formation of acidic compounds. Together with the evaporation of moisture, they heave into the atmosphere, after which the formation of clouds. Thus, the formation of acid rain, the formation of snowflakes or hailstones, which will return to the ground all that is absorbed, along with other chemicals.

Schematic representation of the mechanism of formation of acid precipitation.

In certain areas of the Earth, some deviations from the norm within 2-3 units were noted. So, with an acceptable acidity level of pH 5.6, in the Moscow region and China there were cases of precipitation with a pH level of 2.15. It is impossible to predict the exact location of acid rain, as it is likely that the formed clouds can be carried by the wind over long distances from the place where the pollution occurred.

Acid Rain Composition

The main components of acid rain are sulfuric and sulfurous acids, as well as the presence of ozone formed during thunderstorms. There are also nitrogenous forms of precipitation, in which nitrogenous and nitrous acids are present as the main ones. Rarely, chlorine and methane can cause acid rain. And, of course, other harmful substances may fall out with precipitation, based on what was in the composition of household and industrial wastes that are emitted into the atmosphere in specific regions.

Than acid rains are dangerous?

Acid rain along with their effects is the subject of constant observations, which are carried out by scientists of all countries. However, their forecasts are extremely disappointing. Precipitation, in which the pH is lowered, is dangerous not only for people, but also for flora and fauna.

When released into the ground, acid rain damages the plants, depriving them of the nutrients that are necessary for growth and development. Among other things, there is a pull on the surface of toxic metals. With a high concentration of acids, trees can die off due to precipitation, the soil becomes useless for further growing of the crop, and it will take decades to restore it.

The same situation with ponds. The composition of acid rain leads to an imbalance of the natural environment, after which there is the problem of river pollution. This in turn leads to the death of fish, and also slows the growth of algae. Therefore, whole reservoirs, lakes and rivers can cease to exist for a long time.

One of the consequences of acid precipitation is the mass extinction of flora and fauna.

Acid rains before passing to the ground, passing air masses, leave particles of toxic substances in the atmosphere. This is considered to be extremely unfavorable, because it negatively affects the health of people and animals, and also significantly damages buildings. So most of the paintwork and facing materials, metal structures begin to dissolve as soon as they fall ill-fated raindrops.

Global environmental problems of acid precipitation

Among the global environmental problems caused by acid precipitation are:

  • Changes in the ecosystem of water bodies, leading to the death of the animal and plant world. Such sources cannot be used for drinking, because heavy metals will repeatedly exceed the norm;
  • Damage to the roots and leaves, will lead to the destruction of protection from the cold weather and diseases. This is especially true of coniferous trees in severe frosts;
  • Soil contamination with toxins. The flora in infected areas of the soil will certainly weaken or die. Malicious elements will come along with beneficial substances, which will be less and less.

Harm of acid rain for people

The death of domestic animals, commercial fish species, crops - all this to some extent will affect the quality of life and the economy of any state.

Industrial factors of human activity are one of the main factors that lead to the formation of acid rain.

Dangerous to health can be meat of fish or animals when it is eaten in precisely those places where acid poisoning has occurred. In such meat there may be a critical content of toxic compounds or heavy metal ions. When released into human organisms, it can lead to severe intoxication, serious liver or kidney diseases, blockage of the nerve canals, and blood clots. Some effects of acid poisoning can manifest themselves only after generations.

Ways to deal with acid precipitation

Nowadays, the United States, China, and, of course, Russia are leading in the main risk group for acid precipitation. Actually in these states the coal processing and metallurgical industries are highly developed and, accordingly, there are a large number of such enterprises. However, both Canada and Japan are considered dangerous, towards which acid precipitation may be driven by the wind. In accordance with some studies, in the case of failure to take preventive measures, many more candidates may be added to the list of such states, and this will not take long.

The fight against acid rain at the local level is almost useless. That the situation has changed for the better it is necessary to undertake complex measures. And they are possible only with simultaneous and concerted actions of many countries. Academic science is trying to find new purification systems to minimize emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, however, the percentage component of acid precipitation is only growing.

Watch the video: What Does Acid Rain Do To Your Body (January 2025).