In the US, the military learned how to improve brain function.

It is believed that for the development of mental abilities it is necessary to expose the brain to various loads. But this is not the only method of increasing the mental capacity of a person: the latest development of scientists from McGill University (Canada) and from HRL Laboratories (USA) allows improving brain function not only by mental exertion.

On the breakthrough of American scientists for the first time reported the publication of the Daily Mail. The increase in mental power is achieved by electrostimulation of the brain. The development was carried out with the financing of the United States Department of Defense.

The invention uses alternating current, which stimulates the prefrontal cortex of the cerebral hemispheres. It is the prefrontal cortex that is responsible for processing, remembering and organizing information, concentration, multitasking and decision making. Electrical impulses improve communication between different parts of the brain, and it is through this process that a person’s mental abilities increase.

The device was tested on primates: with the help of special labels, animals had to locate food. The control group took 22 attempts to understand the connection between tags and food, when primates from the group subjected to electrical stimulation coped with the task almost twice as fast - in just 12 attempts.

Scientists hope that the development will be used in the future to improve the cognitive abilities of people. For example, a device can significantly shorten the training time of the military, for whom it is vital to learn new skills.

Watch the video: 5 tips to improve your critical thinking - Samantha Agoos (January 2025).