Signal rockets: how to give signs in different conditions

Signal rockets are the main means of filing signs in any conditions. This quality does not possess all other signaling means, for example, flags, pennants. A flare can be launched from anywhere in the open air, from shelter, from a building window, from a narrow street. In this case, the signal will be visible for many kilometers, the rocket is understood to a considerable height. To achieve the same effect with the use of other available means of signaling is impossible.

The general device of signal rockets, the principle of operation

The flare should be as visible as possible, so two effects are used: either light or smoke. Accordingly, lighting rockets are used for signaling and lighting at night, and smoke lights are used during the day. To signal in any conditions you need to have both types of missiles. Wind, poor visibility, dramatically reduce the effectiveness of signal rockets. Smoke flare visible within minutes. Illumination - within a few seconds, but there are special options with a parachute. They work for several tens of seconds.

Lighting signal flares have different colors of light. At the same time, the colors of signal rockets allow you to encode various information, and with the simultaneous launch of several rockets (usually up to 3) the number of signals will already be more than a dozen.

Any flare has two pyrotechnic charges. One - for the engine, the second - to receive the light or smoke signal. According to the same scheme, charges are assembled in a signal cartridge for a hunting rifle and for a shot to various artillery.

Examples of color or smoke signals

  • One green rocket means "everything is fine, we continue";
  • Red - help is needed;
  • Red and green - requires logistical support.

Rockets for signal pistol

The most well-known, cheap and affordable kind of flares. Launched from a compact signal pistol, its popular name is a rocket launcher. The most common model - signal Shpagin. It was developed in 1943 and is still in service. Also in different countries produced dozens of other models based on it. Caliber - 26 mm. The weight of the cartridge - 50-75 g. Expelling charge - the usual powder. Signal has several options for colors. By the way, color marking is used to denote the cartridges themselves.

A 26 mm signal pistol shot cannot carry a large combustible charge, so the most effective way to make the signal more noticeable is the asterisk, well known in pyrotechnics. This is a charge with combustible materials laid in such a way that when burning they fly apart in all directions. Army rocket launcher is equipped with white, red, green and yellow ammunition.

Alarm cartridge for a hunting rifle

Hunters take the signal cartridge to designate their location in case of a disaster, departure from the route, loss of other types of communication. Often, even with good radio communications, it’s impossible to mark your location for other hunters. This is especially true for forests, where there are no landmarks. Even in this case, you will need a signal cartridge. It is advisable to take a few signal cartridges just in case. They are purchased in hunting stores in the presence of a hunting ticket. They are also widely used by the military, so the acquisition is possible in the Voentorg.

For the hunter, the small weight of the emergency kit, its protection from moisture, and a long shelf life are important. Signal cartridges possess all these qualities. They use military practices, the best and reliable technological solutions. In addition to cartridges for a gun, there is a separate device with a large-caliber barrel and a trigger mechanism (the trade name is “hunter’s signal”).

Color additives for smoke and light

In the military, only red, green and white (colorless, white-yellow) rockets are widely used. For them, color additives are well designed and optimized:

  • The red color of the flame and the red smoke signal are strontium nitrate;
  • The green color of the flame and smoke is barium nitrate;
  • Blue and blue - copper chloride;
  • Yellow - sodium, sodium compounds;
  • The white color of the flame and white smoke - various gunpowder, aluminum.

This is a common signal designation. You can apply any other schemes by prior arrangement.

All other colors (purple, carmine, orange) are obtained by mixing metal salts. Also used for a long time and promising in the production of organic dyes. For example, signal orange smoke is obtained by simply adding a dye of the corresponding color.

White rockets are usually called simply lighting. Their pyrotechnic composition is designed to produce a bright white flame with burning and the highest possible light output. There is a simple and objective calculation method: the ratio of the luminous intensity in Cd is measured for each weight unit of the composition.

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