Serious modification of the "Night Hunter"

Modified helicopter Mi-28NE "Night Hunter" taught to control and carry out target designation for the UAV. To solve these problems, machines for export will be equipped with special communication equipment.

The set of weapons used on this helicopter included the anti-tank missile system "Chrysanthem-M", equipped with a dual-channel guidance system, the Ataka ATGM, which is equipped with a laser aiming system. In addition, guided bombs weighing up to 0.5 tons were introduced into the set of weapons.

At the Rostvertol enterprise, the Mi-28NE is being equipped with new devices and devices that significantly expand its operating parameters and raise its relevance in the global market.

On the improved model of the helicopter, a new observation and sighting station with a laser missile guidance system, as well as new long-range missiles, were mounted. It raises the accuracy of hitting targets.

The changes were made to the chassis, in particular the engine power and blade geometry, due to which increased cruising speed and new opportunities for piloting.

By the way

Meanwhile, the plant carried out modernization of the shock machines Mi-35M and Mi-35P. They were equipped with a new surveillance and sighting system, which includes a matrix TV, a television camera and a number of other instruments and devices.

Watch the video: Serious Sam Modifications (January 2025).