Russia’s anti-satellite weapons are already a reality

As part of the confrontation with other powers for supremacy in outer space, Russian developers have taken the next, but very important step in the development of anti-satellite weapons systems.

Most recently, successful tests of the Tirada-2S ground-based electronic jamming complex, designed to disable artificial Earth satellites (AES), took place in Russia.

The main objectives of the system, according to the designers, should be military communications, relay and control satellites. The possibility of electronic exposure to satellites for other purposes, including intelligence, is not excluded.

At the moment, the characteristics of the Tirada-2C radio-technical suppression complex make it possible to guaranteed to disrupt the functioning of the onboard systems of the devices located in low (no more than 2000 km) near-earth orbits. It is predicted that in the future the characteristics of the complex being created will be significantly improved.

The contract between the Russian Ministry of Defense and the system manufacturer was signed in August of this year at the site of the Army-2018 forum in Kubinka, Moscow region. According to available information, the production of these products will be carried out at the Vladimir defense plant "Electropribor".

The exact timing of the delivery of the complex to the armed forces of the Russian Federation depends on the decision of the state commission. Earlier it was reported about the possible transfer of "Tirade" in the pilot operation of our military no later than December 2018.

Until today, only China and the United States have confirmed in practice that they have anti-satellite weapons. These states successfully tested missiles launched from the Earth by broken down spacecraft. As a result of the kinetic (direct hit on the target) impact in both cases, thousands of fragments of various sizes were formed.

As you can see, the Russian side takes a different path. Due to the use of modern technologies and previously developed technical solutions, Russian electronics specialists design and produce effective super-powerful satellite suppression systems, such as the Tirada-2C.

Watch the video: Expert says Russian and Chinese anti-satellite weapons are the 'new reality' (January 2025).