M. Gorbachev urged Washington to dialogue with Moscow

The first and last president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev in the Vedomosti newspaper predicted a new arms race.

In his opinion, the INF Treaty has served for the security of Russia for more than 30 years and ruled out the possibility of the appearance of "a decapitating strike weapon" near its borders. Now, after the United States withdraws from the Treaty, a return to the arms race is possible.

Mikhail Sergeevich is unequivocally confident that the United States is pursuing the goal of gaining absolute military superiority. The United States seeks to free itself from any restrictions in the field of armaments and dictate its will to the world.

According to Gorbachev, all other countries that have developed a nuclear bomb together put this arsenal 10-15 times smaller than Russia and the United States.

According to Gorbachev, the decision of the American President Donald Trump will lead to the destabilization of the global strategic situation, the new arms race and the unpredictability of world politics. He urged Washington to engage in dialogue with Moscow and reject the "militarization of thinking."

Watch the video: William Taubman on Gorbachev: His Life and Times (April 2024).