Categories of fitness for military service: how to decipher them in a military card

Since the army service requires from the recruit not only patriotism, but also health, the determination of the degree of suitability of the recruit to the army service is a task of paramount importance. It is based on the results of the medical commission that an opinion is issued on the category of compliance of a young person with the requirements of the armed forces. The future soldier in the army will have to not only shoot, but also make multi-kilometer force marches, endure other physical and moral stress, which may not be possible for soldiers with health problems.

After the medical examination in the military recruit office, the recruit is assigned a military category, which means which troops he can go to, and where the turn will be closed.

What is the category of military shelf life recruits?

The legislative framework of the Russian Federation states that any citizen of the country (and a foreigner too) has a full military service. Different types of troops and military professions impose certain requirements on the health of draftees, it is for this graduation that there are categories of fitness for military service. They determine whether a draftee can serve without restrictions or is valid only in wartime.

It is worth noting that complete disability for military service is mainly received by people with disabilities and those suffering from mental disorders. Previously, the list of diseases for which the recruit could be "rejected" was wider, but due to the fact that the service life was reduced from 2 years to 1 year, the list of diseases was significantly reduced.

Classification of categories of validity in the military card

In order to understand the meaning of categories, it is enough to study the table that will help to decipher the degrees of fitness in a military ID:

  1. The category "A1" means that the recruit has perfect health and external indicators. Such a challenger will be gladly accepted into elite units. Unfortunately, ideally healthy people practically do not exist, therefore recruits of the category "A1" very rarely get into the army. All sub-items of category "A" (of which there are 4 in total) mean that the draftee is fully qualified for the army;
  2. Category B means that the recruit can serve with some restrictions. Category "B4" is considered the last, according to which you can call a person into the army on the general terms;
  3. Category "B" says that the recruit is fit for non-combat service;
  4. If the column in the military ID contains the category "G", this means that the draftee is undergoing treatment and it is temporarily impossible to determine his category. In such cases, he is granted a deferment;
  5. Category "D" is a complete unsuitability for recruitment in the army under any conditions.

In order to know what kind of military service a particular conscript fits in, there is a special scale in which all the necessary requirements for service in particular types of troops are indicated.

Disease Scheduling Table

To determine the degree of validity, there is a special table of the schedule of diseases. It contains three graphs. Each graph is intended for a specific group:

  1. The first graph is the most popular. It is intended for conscripts and citizens of pre-draft age;
  2. The second column is intended for servicemen and those in reserve;
  3. The third column is intended for contractors.

A knowledgeable person, guided by this table, will easily determine which category of fitness is recorded in his military ID and what it means.

Detailed description of category "A"

Conscripts who received category "A" can be proud of their health. They are suitable for service in special forces or marines. This category is divided into 4 subgroups:

  1. Category "A1" is now quite rare. To match her, the draftee must not only have perfect health, but also be fit for external indicators. The most severe selection takes place in the airborne troops. For example, the growth of the applicant for the category "A1" should be in the range from 170 to 185 centimeters with a weight of up to 90 kilograms. Naturally, the indices of sight and hearing must also be perfect;
  2. The second degree "A2" is given to recruits, fully compliant with the category "A1", but who had previously suffered a serious illness or had fractures that did not lead to poor health. In fact, this subcategory is no different from the category "A 1", but the Airborne Forces with this category will not get. Do not take with her and the marines;
  3. The third degree "A3" implies minor deviations of health. Most often it is a small visual impairment. Generally, the owners of this category serve in the internal, missile or chemical forces;
  4. The fourth degree of category "A" implies vision problems that exceed 20 degrees. Despite this, the recruit can serve in any troops other than the above. All other indicators of health, except for sight, should be perfect.

If it was rather difficult to correct vision before, with the advent of laser correction, the recruit can easily change the category of shelf life. For example, changing the category of shelf life from fourth to second is a fairly simple procedure.

Detailed description of category "B"

Category "B" is the most common among military personnel and draftees. Since most of the called-up people have any health abnormalities, category "B" is assigned to all of them. This category is divided into four groups, like category "A":

  1. Category "B1" is assigned in the event that the conscript suffers from a mild degree of any disease or allergies. These diseases can not affect the overall physical condition of the soldier, so with this category they take in the assault brigades and border guards;
  2. The "B2" category is practically no different from the first category, except that the recruit, in addition to minor deviations in health, may have a small percentage of vision loss. With this category do not take in the submariners, but the surface fleet can be fully expected. You can also get into the tankers and engineering troops;
  3. Under the "B3" category, you can count on communications troops, engineering or chemical troops. "B3" is assigned to recruits with different degrees of allergy, slight loss of hearing and vision (more in percentage ratio than in category "B2");
  4. Category "B4" is characterized by residual effects from previously suffered injuries and illnesses. In addition, military personnel in this category may have insufficient weight and height, as well as problems with hearing and vision. Those, as a rule, are sent to serve in the construction battalion (now these troops are called military construction units) or communications troops.

If you have been assigned the category of expiration "B", then you will be taken to the army without fail, but the type of troops depends on the assigned subgroup of this category.

Description of category "B"

If you were assigned the category "B", then you will not be in the army. This article means that a draftee is limited in military service. This restriction implies that you can be called to service only in wartime. The article implies a significant loss of health, which makes it impossible to serve in the army (which implies almost 24-hour readiness to fulfill the duty to serve).

Description of the category "G"

Shelf life category "G" is inherently the most uncertain. A recruit who has received this category is given a delay, since at the time of the examination he has a disease or injury requiring treatment. But do not consider this article a sentence. After completing the course of treatment and rehabilitation, a new category is assigned to the second medical examination, taking into account the current state of the recruit. These may be categories “B” or “B”. There are cases when, after re-examination, the recruit was given category "A".

Description of category "D"

Category "D" is the equivalent of a "white ticket". A conscript of this category is not fit for military service under any circumstances. With this category in the military ticket to get a driver's license is very difficult.

Is it possible to change the category of shelf life?

For this, a special procedure for challenging is provided. To challenge the category is sometimes very necessary, because it may in the future create problems when applying for a job or obtaining a driver's license.

To challenge the decision of the draft board, you need to submit an application asking for a re-examination. According to the results of the new survey, you can challenge the draft board’s decision.

When you receive a category of fitness, you need to know what they mean. This will help you determine the choice of troops. If the assigned category does not suit you, you can try to challenge the decision of the commission.

Watch the video: The military ID card (April 2024).