Russian divers beat dive records

In late October, an experiment on deep-sea diving of divers took place. The experiment took place at the base of the rescue ship "Igor Belousov". Divers plunged to a depth of 416 meters.

This event became known just yesterday, as divers, after passing the experiment, had to undergo a lot of rehabilitation and rehabilitation procedures.

According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the dive took place in the diving bell of the experimental deep-water complex. The divers left the vehicle and walked along the bottom of the ocean at a depth of 416 meters, conducted a series of rescue operations, and also set the flag of the Russian Federation at a record depth.

As part of the experiment, rescue work was carried out, according to the conditions of which it was necessary to connect the air supply hoses to the model of a submarine in distress.

The main goal of the experiment was to test the deep-water diving complex "GVK-450". According to media reports, the complex did not disappoint. All work went in the normal mode divers feel good.

Recall that the first mention of the "GVK-450", as a working complex and ready for use began talking at the end of 2014. According to the technical documentation, it should support several days of divers at a depth of 450 meters. Experiments on debugging the deep-water complex have been going on since 2016 at the base of the rescue ship "Igor Belousov".

By the way, the previous record is 315 meters. He was raised by Soviet divers in 1991.

Watch the video: Finals: World Championships Death Diving 2018 VM i døds 2018 Canon Balls, Staples, Suicide jumps (December 2024).