Defender of the Fatherland Day February 23, 2019 - a detailed history of the holiday

February 23, 2019 is celebrated in our country as the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Every holiday has its own history. But, perhaps, with this significant date, things are particularly interesting. Earlier, before the collapse of the USSR, the holiday was called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. This fact, regarding the theme of the history of February 23 as a memorable date, is known to most of our compatriots. Meanwhile, with regard to the detailed biography of the celebration, historians still can not come to an unequivocal opinion.

It all began in 1918 during the post-revolutionary disbandment of military units. In January, to be exact, on the 15th the decree on the establishment of the Red Army was signed. January 29, the Council approved the decree on the formation of the fleet. The creation of a new fighting force was the reason for the development of campaign events. The main event of this series was to make the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day. They wanted to hold the action one-time on February 23 and then safely forget about it. However, the celebration began to celebrate in the future annually.

The day for the celebration was not chosen by chance. The story of the holiday history on February 23 is considered a brave day, when the Red Army won a significant victory over the German one near Pskov and Narva. But documentary evidence of this fact was not found. Meanwhile, the government did not want to question it, and already in 1922 signed a decree on celebrating February 23 as the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The start of celebrations on February 23

In 1923, February 23, it was already celebrated on a grand scale, since it coincided with the 5th anniversary of the Red Army. After honoring the heroes of the occasion on a nationwide scale, this date becomes a national holiday. During its long history on February 23, it was subjected to a wording correction several times. In 1995, the federal law “On the days of Russian military glory” was issued. As a result of the work on the document, it was decided to designate this February date as the "Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser troops of Germany in 1918". It is good that 2002 changed again and, by the way, considerably simplified the naming of the celebration. Thanks to the resolution of the State Duma, the holiday is becoming so familiar to us as Defender of the Fatherland Day. What is even more pleasant for all working people, he is recognized as a non-working, officially a day off!

When celebrating a celebration, both then and today, there is a clear military coloring. Having got rid of the political background, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland becomes a date when you can congratulate and thank for the valiant work of all those who have ever defended our Motherland. Interesting fact. Recently, there has been a shift in the semantic load of this holiday towards civilian occupations. So, even flight attendants consider it their duty to celebrate this day.

Controversial moments of the holiday history on February 23

It is possible that if it were not for the paperwork with documents, we would have celebrated the triumph exactly on the day of the creation of the Red Army. Most likely it would be January 28 or 29. Bureaucratic delays are not the only thing that could prevent the holiday from entering its rights precisely on February 23 according to the facts of history. According to another version, the significant March 8 holiday, which concerns all internationalists, before the transition to the new calendar style coincided with the February anniversary of the Russian victory over the Germans in 1918. This coincidence has several times strengthened the military character of this sacred number.

For a complete picture of the world, historians have unearthed some more interesting facts from the past. Anyone who remembers the scope of the celebration on November 7, will not understand why they canceled its existence and invented another one in return. November 4th is close to 7, but their origins differ significantly. However, it is possible that our descendants will also argue and perplex, and sometimes inadvertently combine these dates. The principle of time leaks works today, as in those times. Many historians argue that due to the absence of some archival documents, the origins of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland cannot be clearly defined.

Falsifications and substitutions related to February 23

Not only we were wondering about the appearance of the holiday on February 23. This topic worried the minds of compatriots long before our appearance. In this regard, representatives of the administration of the country have taken controversial methods in order to convey the truth to the working people. On February 5, 1923, the forces of the Revolutionary Military Council issued a document telling that February 23, 1918 is the date when a special force was created, the purpose of which was to protect the people from the German invaders. Picked up this information, the newspaper "Military Thought and Revolution" in detail savored the drill, which accompanied the creation of the main unit.

In the federal archives there is a photographed copy of the document from another edition. Periodic "Military Herald" briefly informed the citizens that the convocation of the Red Army was approved exactly on February 23. However, this date has been replaced. Initially, according to historical sources, this event took place on January 15th.

The obvious fact of inconsistency was recognized by some officers who commanded military units. In particular, in one of the issues of the Pravda newspaper, K.E. Voroshilov complained about the incorrect choice of the date for the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day. The newspaper informed the reader that the commander considered the recognition of the date of the convocation of the Red Army as unconfirmed by historical facts. Even a book published in 1938 with a brief course on the history of the VKP (b), which belonged to the pen of Joseph Vissarionovich himself, testifies to fraud. Stalin writes that it was on February 23, 1918 that the Soviet Army under Narva and Pskov was repulsed by the enemy aggressor. The leader of the Soviet state proclaims the creation of a great military force on this day. Archival sources contradict the facts that allegedly took place according to a brief course of history from Stalin.

Safe end for the day of the Defender of the Fatherland February 23

One way or another, but throughout the entire difficult history, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland was celebrated with great love on the territory of the former Soviet Union, Russia, during perestroika, the post-perestroika period, at zero. Actually its existence in our days. February 23 is now positioned for the younger generation as a day honoring the heroic people of the Motherland to instill respect for their people. This date is a day off so that everyone can honor the memory of Russian soldiers who died defending the Fatherland, as well as all those who show courage, valor, nobility, bravery and self-sacrifice now.

Watch the video: 100 Year Anniversary of Most Formidable Army in History Celebrated on Defender of the Fatherland Day (January 2025).