Altai region is called wrong

The territory of the south of Western Siberia, to which our Altai Territory belongs, has experienced numerous administrative-territorial transformations over a long period of years, extensively described in historical publications, in particular, the Encyclopedia of the Altai Territory (1997) and the Historical Atlas of the Altai Territory (2007) .

Historical milestones

In the 18-19 centuries, it was part of the Altai Mining District, Kolyvan-Voskresensky Mining District, in the Tomsk province, the Altai province, in Siberia, then renamed the West-Siberian region. At the same time, its territory also changed its borders and area due to either withdrawing from it, or adding other administrative formations to it - districts, counties, volosts, districts.

In September 1937, by the Resolution of the USSR Central Election Commission, the West-Siberian Territory, which existed in 1930-1937. and occupying a vast area of ​​the south of Western Siberia, was divided into the Novosibirsk region and the Altai Territory. The area of ​​the latter became equal to 261.7 thousand km2. Moreover, it included the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region, which constituted about a third (35%) of the total area - 92.6 thousand km2. This area is entirely located in the mountainous area.

Since the beginning of the political and economic restructuring, the Gorno-Altai Region withdrew from the Altai Territory (July 1991), and its territory as a subject of the Russian Federation has decreased significantly - by this third, and has become 169.1 thousand km2.

What about today?

The borders of the region established in 1991 still exist. Within these borders, in natural terms, 85% of its territory is flat (southeastern periphery of the West Siberian plain) and only 15% is mountainous (the northern foothills and part of the lowlands of the Altai and the western part of its lowland spur - Salair). On this basis, it should be assumed that the name of our region "Altai" is incorrect and illogical, since anciently and at all times Altai is called a mountainous country.

Thus, the saying of the ancient inhabitants of this territory "Altai - the golden mountains" is widely known. And in our modern Altai region, I repeat, this mountainous country is only 15% of the area. Consequently, the correct name of the modern Altai Territory will be “the Altai Territory”.

At first glance - the name is unusual and many will cause a grin. However, everyone is familiar and no one is surprised or grins at the names Primorsky Krai, Priuralye, Trans-Urals, Baikal Region, Transbaikalia, Baltics, Priamurye, Pre-Caspian Lowland and many others. Although the listed are mostly not administrative territories, but historically established national names, nevertheless, there is a precedent - Primorsky Krai is an administrative unit.

Need to rename

In this regard, I believe that in the name of the triumph of truth and justice, our beloved Altai Territory must be renamed. And the correct name, as I have already substantiated, will be "Pri-Altai Territory", since it is adjacent to the mountainous country of Altai.

An alternative name for this administrative unit can be proposed "Upper Ob region".

Some may argue that the flat part of our region is also called the “Steppe Altai”. Yes, such a name is found in the literature, and by it is meant the steppe plain part, this is the Kulunda lowland and the Priobskoye plateau, composing the southeastern periphery of the West Siberian plain (although the Priobskoye plateau is mostly forest-steppe, not steppe). And in connection with this, it is supposedly quite logical that both flat and foothill parts as a whole should be considered Altai, adding the adjective "Steppe".

And nevertheless, I want to argue: to call the flat territories Altai is also incorrect and illogical, albeit with the adjective "Steppe": where is Altai here a mountainous country? - such a name to the flat steppe territory, as one can put it, is “far-fetched”.

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