Traumatic pistol Leader TT for reliable self-defense

2004 is considered the heyday of traumatic weapons in the Russian market. During these years, many models of trauma appeared, which are still popular today. Pistol Leader TT is the first development, which is an adaptation of military weapons for traumatic cartridges.

In the early stages of sales, he was very popular, but the consumer quickly realized that the quality of this gun leaves much to be desired, even though it is redone from the fighting one. He began to break faster travmatiki, created from scratch.

general information

As mentioned above, the TT Leader came out in 2004. Its creation and further production was carried out at the enterprise “Molot”, where they also engaged in disassembling and eliminating defects of already sold pistols.

The gun belonged to the class of small-caliber, used for self-defense. In 2004, there were few such remedies on the market, so the TT Leader took a good position in the market. But even at that time, when the buyers had few options, everyone could choose something more durable and reliable than this traumatic gun.

The increased demand for it was caused precisely by the fact that this weapon was redone from a combat TT. Therefore, not only people who looked for a quality weapon for self-defense were interested in trauma, but also history buffs.

Additional interest caused a competent pricing. The manufacturer did not set a high price tag on his gun, which attracted even more customers.


Since the Leader was remade from a combat TT, he inherited from his progenitor not only materials and basic mechanisms, but also dimensions.

Such a traumatic gun is suitable for regular self-defense or not - a matter of taste. Someone loves a compact tool, and someone, on the contrary, prefers a massive and impressive specimen. This plays a certain psychological role in a conflict situation.


  • Used charges caliber 10x32;
  • The length of the gun is 196 millimeters;
  • The length of the barrel is 116 millimeters;
  • The height of the gun is 120 millimeters;
  • The width of the gun is 30 millimeters;
  • The weight of the discharged implement is 770 grams;
  • The magazine holds up to 8 ammunition.

Each person decides for himself whether it will be convenient for him to carry such a large amount of trauma on himself every day. With it, you can immediately forget about the secretive wearing, with the size of the TT it is difficult.

Weapon design

Automation of this traumatic weapon is built according to the recoil scheme with a free gate. The chamber is firmly attached to the frame, which here serves as the trunk. The strength of the gun turned to increase due to the thickening of the walls of the chamber. Return spring engineers of the company "Hammer" was placed under the barrel of the gun, which uses 10x32 cartridges. To learn more about the structure of the trunk, you can carry out a complete disassembly, which is nothing complicated.

Low accuracy of shooting and a large variation of rubber bullets is caused by the design of the gun barrel. If there are no complaints about the reliability of the chamber, which is the beginning of the trunk, then the construction was thought out further badly. A thin-walled trunk simulator, the diameter of which is larger than the diameter of the cartridge, flows forward. In addition, a barrier has been placed in the barrel channel, which does not allow firing live ammunition. That it is the main reason for the large spread of bullets when firing.

From the combat TT there was a slide delay, the lever of which is located on the left side of the body. From the original, a slide delay tooth with its main function was retained. To familiarize yourself with its structure, you can disassemble the gun.

The sighting mechanism is a standard design. It consists of fixed flies and a pillar, fixed in the position "dovetail". The trigger mechanism of this trauma is arranged according to the type of single action. To USM was always in good condition, it must be cleaned regularly with full disassembly.

Cartridges for Leader TT

Together with the weapon itself in 2004, the Molot company introduced the latest 10x32 ammunition, which is equipped with two bullets. The main feature of these charges of 10x32 caliber was the high kinetic energy released during the shot. The box had a figure of 80-100 joules, which at that time was just an incredible value. But there is a catch about which you need to know. This value is not entirely true. The fact is that this indicator is divided by two, since here in the 10x32 cartridge there are two bullets. Thus, one bullet accounts for an average value of 40-50 joules.

The presence of two bullets can be called an advantage except perhaps with a big stretch. The fact is that you can forget about the accuracy of firing with 10x32 charges from this traumatic gun. When firing from two meters from the target, the spread of bullets is 15 centimeters. And it increases as the shooter moves away from the target, which is a significant drawback of this tool.

On the other hand, the presence of two bullets, even with such a large spread, is an advantage. Two bullets more or less increase the chance of hitting the target.


This weapon is not uniquely bad or good, rather, it can be attributed to the "average". For its price, it has good performance.

The working life of the model will be enough for a long period even with regular use for sports or recreational shooting. This is possible due to the quality materials that were stored in the traumatic pistol from the original TT.

If you decide to purchase such an instrument for the purpose of regular use, you will need to regularly clean it to keep it in working condition. Disassembly is quick and easy. It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the mechanisms of weapons, as well as the bore. This will significantly extend the life of the TT Leader.

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