Graphene armor for Chinese combat helicopters: a hundred times stronger than normal

In China, they have developed new graphene armor with unique characteristics: it is claimed that it is a hundred times stronger than ordinary steel. Such protection plan to equip attack helicopters Z-10 and Z-19. About this reports portal "Military parity", referring to the Chinese information resource

Graphene is a unique substance with a special structure consisting of carbon atoms. It was discovered in 2004 by two Russian scientists Novoselov and Geim, who moved to the West. For this, they received the Nobel Prize. Graphene is considered a real "material of the future": scientists are confident that it will find application in electronics, batteries, water purification systems, etc. In addition, graphene is extremely durable, which guarantees its use in military affairs.

Breakthrough in Chinese helicopter?

It is believed that the Celestial Military Aircraft Industry lags somewhat behind the United States and Western Europe, and first of all it concerns engines. Helicopters created in the People's Republic of China are still equipped with licensed (or simply stolen) versions of European or American engines. The same can be said about the electronic "stuffing" of aircraft. If the information on the use of graphene to protect helicopters is confirmed, it will be a real breakthrough for the Chinese aviation industry.

According to the source, previously the Chinese Z-10 had titanium anti-bullet armor similar to that used in the Russian Mi-28, but the use of graphene reduced the weight of the armor almost twice: from 350 kg to 196 kg. The use of this technology has ensured the Z-10 superiority in terms of security over the Tiger military helicopter of European production.

The Z-10 is a shock Chinese helicopter, commissioned in 2011. The machine has a tandem cabin and non-retractable landing gear. Z-19 was put into operation a year later, it also has a tandem cabin and is considered a cheaper addition to the Z-10. It can carry up to eight anti-tank missiles or four outboard containers. Both helicopters have powerful armor protection.

Earlier there was information about the development of China's new heavy attack helicopter, made by technology "stealth" (heavy, stealthy attack helicopter). Information about the promising car appeared a few years ago, it was assumed that it will go into service in 2020.

Another interesting Chinese development, presented during the recent exercises of the People’s Liberation Army, was the unmanned helicopter AV500W. This is a small aircraft, with a take-off weight of 400 kilograms and a length of about seven meters. Its maximum speed is 168 km / h, and the payload weight is about 120 kg. During the tests, the AV500W managed to climb to a height of 5 thousand meters. It is reported that currently there are two versions of the UAV - shock and reconnaissance. A helicopter can carry four air-to-surface missiles or several unguided bombs. And on it you can install a machine gun. In the reconnaissance version, the AV500W is equipped with a complex of special equipment.

According to the Chinese military, the participation of the AV500W in the exercises was successful: he completed all the tasks assigned to him. In the near future it is planned to begin the serial production of the aircraft. If this really happens, the AV500W will be one of the first unmanned helicopters in the world to be adopted and put into mass production. The drone will be used for reconnaissance missions, border security, patrols.

Release AV500W plan to begin by the end of this year.

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