Will the US lose military dominance in the world?

The other day in the US Congress, reviewing the defense strategy of the state, came to ambiguous conclusions. The United States is on the verge of losing military dominance on the planet. And China and Russia can easily take this place.

In general, as part of these concerns, Congress made an in-depth analysis of the implications of the exchange of nuclear greetings with its main competitors in militarist domination in the world.

It is noteworthy, but the US Department of Health found that there was no method in the country that would allow an assessment of the level of radiation received by civilians in the event of a nuclear conflict.

The conclusions for America are frightening. In the case of massive use of nuclear weapons in densely populated cities, a massive radiation epidemic will occur. Its victims will be millions of people who received radiation from trained sources of water and food.

It is noteworthy that according to polls, Americans are seriously afraid of the start of a nuclear war in the foreseeable future. If 10 years ago, those who believed that a nuclear war would begin during their lifetime were negligible, in the last couple of years there are as many as 60 percent.

Therefore, the US military has seriously thought about a preventive nuclear strike. At the moment, a document is being considered according to which the United States can use nuclear weapons in response to an attack even of a non-nuclear nature.

According to experts, this is a clear decrease in the threshold for the commissioning of nuclear weapons. In addition, many were worried by the fact that the United States was unilaterally leaving the treaty on the elimination of medium-range and short-range missiles, which was once considered the key to peace on our planet.

By the way, Russia did not remain indifferent to such high points of the western partners. The Security Council began editing the "Fundamentals of the Russian Federation Policy in the Field of Nuclear Deterrence."

In addition, the Security Council of the Russian Federation was recommended to develop a draft "National Military Strategy of Russia". Given the new forms of warfare.

Watch the video: Why does the US have 800 military bases around the world? (May 2024).