Safe Weapon Training: Where to Turn to a Newbie?

Every year more and more people in our state receive the right to bear arms. This usually happens after buying the following weapons:

  • Firearms with limited damage;
  • Air guns;
  • Firearms;
  • Gas pistols, revolvers and pistols, etc.

However, you can not just buy a weapon, according to the rules after the acquisition of this type of products should undergo special training courses, which will teach safe handling of weapons. At the end of the course, a test or exam is held. Thus, the owners of weapons are obliged to prove that if they have their weapons, they will not pose a threat not only to others, but also to themselves.

Steps in learning how to handle weapons

It is possible to complete such training in specially organized training centers for this purpose. Here you will be offered a special training program, which includes the following steps:

  • Theoretical training: the assimilation of theoretical knowledge, which includes the study of legislation, rights and obligations, as well as the theory of carrying, storing and using weapons;
  • Practical training: practical training in handling a gas pistol and a revolver, a hunting rifle, etc .;
  • Certification with verification mastering all knowledge and practical skills.

Documents required for training

For training in the rifle training centers you will need to provide the following list of documents:

  • Russian passport with registration mark, copy of passport;
  • Medical certificate 046-1, as well as its copy. The validity period of the certificate is 1 year;
  • 3x4 photos in the amount of three pieces;
  • If you already have permission, you must provide a copy of it.

During the application process, you will have to write an application according to the special form provided in the center.

What the cost of studying

The cost of training may be in direct proportion to what goals the student has set for himself. You will have to pay about 4,000 rubles for the renewal of an existing weapon permit. Passing the course for the first time will need to pay the amount of approximately 6000 rubles.

Some centers provide abbreviated training programs that are suitable for busy people. Basically, the learning program is limited to six academic hours. It is important before learning to get acquainted with the questions for certification for a more successful mastering of the course.

Program for persons entitled to bear arms

For persons who have previously undergone training and have applied to the center with a question of extending the document, it is necessary to undergo a re-certification, in which there are the following points:

  • Work on theoretical questions on the rules of safe handling of weapons;
  • Work on legislation on weapons issues;
  • Practical skills.

Offsets are accepted by a commission with a FRA representative at the head.

What is included in the theoretical program during primary education?

The theoretical part of the training of infantry safety includes the following aspects:

  • The procedure for the acquisition of weapons, safe storage, use and carrying;
  • Regulatory documentation;
  • Rules for the safe handling of weapons;
  • Practical skills to ensure the safe handling of weapons.

Training is conducted in specially equipped classrooms. In the course of training, all types of small arms, signs, features, etc. are studied. Basic terminology is studied and classification is determined. As a result of the training, there should remain a clear understanding of the main differences between weapons and ammunition, knowledge of calibers, order of reloading, etc.

In the classroom, the degree of danger in case of a wide variety of firearms is discussed, as well as in what circumstances shots can be particularly dangerous. Examines the degree of danger of pneumatic weapons, the order of its application. In particular, hunting pneumatics can be used only on the territory of hunting grounds.

We study techniques that help protect the organs of sight and hearing when shooting, as well as the procedure for transporting weapons. Special attention is paid to the rules of storage of weapons and ammunition. We study the feature of safe handling of weapons in different areas of its use:

  • In hunting grounds;
  • On rifle objects.

An important factor is the consideration of the possible use of weapons in self-defense. In the classroom, considerable attention is paid to the issue of arms maintenance. Options are also considered for the loss of weapons.

The practical part of the training program

During the practical training period, students should make at least 25 shots, although the “manuals” recommend 100. Based on the weapon performance characteristics, they select a distance of 3-25 meters.

The discovery of fire is conducted:

  • With an emphasis;
  • Without the use of stands or rollers.

In the course of firing, there is a check that the shooters have skills in safe handling of weapons.

When the learning process is completed, conduct exams with standard theoretical questions. If this stage is passed successfully, students will proceed to the practical part, which includes disassembly-assembly, cleaning weapons, as well as practical shooting. Successfully passed exam course participants receive certificates.

How to choose a training center?

Most of the weapons skills training centers offer standard programs, but lately some centers offer distance learning services.

In many cities there can be more than one weapon center. Before signing a contract with one of them, it is desirable to make sure that all the conditions for the normal assimilation of theoretical and practical skills are created in it.

The center should have:

  • License entitling to study;
  • Weapons for practical training;
  • Specially equipped platform for shooting.

You should know that if the center does not have a license, students will not be allowed to take exams. It is advisable to make sure that the school has the necessary hunting rifles. The process of learning with small-caliber weapons will not be as effective. It is worth paying attention also to the instructors. It is clear that it should be experienced masters of their craft.

Watch the video: Glock Handgun Safety Tips Review for Beginners (January 2025).