The latest military processor

The Research Institute of Electronic Technology is working to create the latest dual-core processor. The development is carried out to equip strategic missiles, as well as hypersonic aircraft, according to the information portal of the newspaper "Izvestia". The necessary agreements between Voronezh NIIET and the Ministry of Industry and Trade have already been concluded, which indicate that the development should end soon. About 440 million rubles are allocated for the implementation of this project. Also in the contract it is stated that the responsibility of NIIET includes the development of a 32-bit processor with the ability to perform full-value floating-point signal processing. It is assumed the use of new processors as a filling for an integrated missile control system. The plans also include the modernization of existing missiles in service. Perhaps the use of technological innovations and other military equipment.

Characteristics and useful properties

The processor should function normally in extreme conditions: the project states that it assumes the following qualities: resistance to sudden temperature changes, exposure to radioactive radiation, strong fluctuations and prolonged overloads.

The chip is planned to produce on the 180-nm technical process. It should include 4 interface controllers with redundancy and a buffer operational memory for all controllers. Declares support for serial ports and second-generation USB. Each controller must have a separate RAM.

Although the processors used in the military sphere are less productive than the familiar home versions, they have high performance, reliability, endurance and durability. The probability of occurrence of failures and errors is extremely small.

Manufacture of processors in Russia

The development and production of processors in Russia is engaged in several companies. At the moment, only a few countries can boast of such opportunities. This fact is becoming a great achievement, because such developments are very important for the military and space sphere. The production technology of specialized processors is not sold on the free market, research is conducted within the state in conditions of high secrecy.

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