Blondeau's awesome thick-headed bullets

The countdown of the history of this bullet began during the Second World War. She was designed and manufactured by the French resistance fighter R. Blondeau. His bullet was designed to solve a specific task - disabling enemy equipment from a relatively close distance. It should be noted that the Blondo bullet perfectly solved the task. She exceeded all expectations. Almost any object - electronics or mechanical assembly guaranteed to fail after an armor-piercing bullet hit Blondeau. By the way, for firing such a bullet used a hunting rifle.

Bullet blondeau

There are cases when, when this bullet hit the body of an automobile engine, the latter stopped working. We need to figure out what secrets the bullet has and how it stabilized during the flight.


The front part of the bullet is the end of a cylinder with a groove made on the end. The trailing part is a cone that turns into a cylinder of the same diameter as the front part. To connect parts of the bullet jumper is used a smaller diameter. To obtain such a form used lathe equipment. Lead rings are cast or pressed into the grooves made in the body of the bullet. They provide a tight fit bullet to the barrel. This situation leads to an increase in pressure from flammable gases. But there are also versions without lead seal.

The original Blondeau - 12 caliber weighing 32.5 g; 16-1 caliber - 29 g.

Sketch of a bullet with Ø16.1 mm

Operating principle

Practice shows that bullets with a blunt front can only be used for short range fire. This is due to poor stabilization of the bullet in flight. With this bullet things are somewhat different, and the reason for this is the aerodynamic effect. During the flight of the bullet, a low-pressure zone arises at the jumper, and it allows the projectile to move through air streams without serious loss of speed. The presence of a heavy shank provides reliable stabilization of the bullet when driving over short distances. The fact is, its center of gravity is shifted to the tail.

In flight, she does not even ricochet when she grabs various obstacles, such as a tree trunk. But the use of this bullet at medium distances is ineffective.

Lead Ring Casting Mold


After the war, the bullet of this form became widely known among hunters due to its power. Its shape, and even the presence of sealing rings do not give any chance of the extraction of any build.

Blondeau’s bullet passes through soft tissue almost without noticing them. It simply breaks the bones and breaks the internal organs. One such shot is enough to knock down a bear or an elk.

In practice, there have been cases of using this ammunition against people. But not the fact that even a person protected by a bullet-proof vest will remain to live after hitting such a projectile. The probability of irreparable damage after a bullet hit the internal organs is 70-80%.

By the way, according to the principle of the Blondo bullet, such ammunition as Rubeykina, Kelly Mac-Alvin, Kirovchanka and some others are made.