The Pentagon thought about creating bio-robots

At the Pentagon, they seriously began exploring ways to increase the combat capability of soldiers with steroids. And in turn, the command of the Ground Forces invites specialized medical institutions to participate in an experiment on the chemical and biological method of turning soldiers into a super soldier.

The official name of the new project in Russian is “Optimization of the effectiveness of military personnel: androgenic therapy for biomedical increase in combat capability”. Toilers who accepted the order of medical institutions should test the effect of testosterone injections on the physique, muscle mass, balance of proteins and mental abilities of a person in conditions of high physical exertion and constant stress. The goal is to understand whether artificial increase in the level of a male hormone in a soldier’s body will help to maintain strength and clarity of thought in a long combat mission.

About 130 volunteers from the military will be involved in the experiment. They will be placed under the constant supervision of doctors for a month. Subjects will be given regular injections of testosterone. Diet - army suhpayki, exactly the same and exactly the same amount as the soldiers in the combat zone. Ahead is also the “hungry days” with a sharp reduction in portions - imitation of food shortages at the front line.

And of course, serious physical exertion: from passing an obstacle course to strength training. They promise to bring them to the marginal condition, on the verge of exhaustion. At that time, physicians will regularly take tests from the contingent and carry out psychological tests with the subjects. Well, to understand when the super-soldier in the fighter begins to unfold.

According to the authors of the experiment, the level of testosterone in the body of famous US Rangers at peak loads during long workouts can almost go down to zero, and the number of calories burned per day exceeds six thousand. It is assumed that steroid injections will help prevent catabolism (burning muscle mass), reduce fatigue and improve overall body tone.

Watch the video: 29 People Killed By Military Robots The Political Vigilante (April 2024).