Warships that surprise you

Since ancient times, ships were used not only to transport people and cargo, but also to perform various combat missions. Warships are constantly being upgraded, and scientists regularly develop new models. For all the time were produced a lot of amazing ships. The most incredible of them: the aircraft carrier Nimitz, the cruiser Peter the Great and the trimaran USS Independence. These models amaze the imagination with its size, spaciousness and weapons.

Aircraft carrier nimitz

These nuclear aircraft carriers of American manufacture are the largest military ships. Their displacement is 106,000 tons. They are designed to interact with carrier strike groups, the purpose of which is to destroy large surface targets. The main armament is carrier-based aviation, which includes FA-18 fighter jets, anti-submarine helicopters, as well as transport aircraft. Anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems were installed on the ship. For all the time 10 such aircraft carriers were built, the last of which was given the name "George Bush".

Cruiser Peter the Great

Peter the Great is a one-of-a-kind heavy missile cruiser. He is able to hit enemy carrier formations. Construction began in 1986, and after 3 years, he rose to combat duty. The ship is able to perform military campaigns for a long time, without requiring repair. The crew of the cruiser is 1035 people, which are located in 1600 rooms for various purposes. It is equipped with the Granit anti-ship missile system, the Kortik missile and artillery complex, and the Dagger air defense system.

Trimaran USS Independence

The USS Independence Trimaran is a Littoral Combat Ship class ship designed to patrol the coastal zone. It was launched on water in 2009, and a year later he joined the United States Navy. The creators of this vessel were inspired by the high-speed car and passenger ferry trimaran Benchijigua Express. USS Independence is the largest ship in its class. The design features of the vessel are based on the SWATH principle, where a small waterline cross-section area is used.

Watch the video: World of Warships - Surprise Buttsex FTW (January 2025).