Army of the world

During the time that has passed since 1947, both the militaristic buildup and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor have been forgotten. The land of the rising sun is considered peaceful and harmless. Nevertheless, within the framework of the new strategy, called “proactive pacifism”, military power is being actively built up, military policy, the economy, and the defense industry are developing.

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Ragnar Lodbrok is a semi-mythical character. About its existence, scientists argue so far. As a historical character, Ragnar Lodbrok does not appear in the annals, but the Norse sagas indicate that he was a very real person. Origin of Ragnar Lodbrok According to the sagas, Ragnar was the representative of the glorious family of the Ynglings, who lead their lineage from the god of sunshine Freyr.

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In recent years, huge funds have been allocated in various propaganda projects in Russia. It seems that the state has seriously taken up the patriotic education of schoolchildren, and this project will be handled by the Russian military department. Since September 1, 2016, the military-patriotic movement Yunarmiya has been operating in the schools of the country.

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Военно-морской флот Российской Федерации - один из трех видов Вооруженных сил нашего государства. Его основная задача - вооруженная защита государственных интересов на морских и океанских театрах военных действий. Флот России обязан защищать суверенитет государства за пределами ее сухопутной территории (территориальные воды, права в суверенной экономической зоне).

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$ 64.6 Th. in 12 months, it is this amount of money that the government of the Russian Federation often spends on one military. In the military structures of key NATO countries, this figure is almost five times the Russian mark, but in the African continent it is almost twenty times less.

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On April 5, 2016, the citizens of Russia were surprised to learn that soon another country’s federal security structure would appear in the country - the National Guard. It was on that day that the relevant decree of President Putin was signed, and bills regulating the activities of the new structure were sent to the State Duma.

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После окончания Второй мировой войны Ближний Восток на долгие десятилетия стал главным центром мировой нестабильности. За семь последних десятилетий в этом регионе случилось более десятка полномасштабных войн, счет погибших в которых, шел на десятки и сотни тысяч. И это не считая небольших конфликтов, которые почему-то принято называть "полицейскими" операциями, закрывая при этом глаза на массовое применение в них боевой авиации и бронетехники.

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The US police incorporates many different tactical units, but SWAT is still the most famous and popular. What is it, what technical tools and techniques allow it to successfully fight crime over a period of almost half a century of history, and also why the separate structural unit of the Los Angeles police has become so famous?

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The Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment is a legendary regiment that was part of the Russian army in the XVII-XX centuries. It was re-established in April 2013 under the name of the 154th Separate Commandant Regiment. Historical information about the Preobrazhensky Regiment The regiment's name comes from the former village of Preobrazhenskoye, which was located somewhat east of Moscow, and in 1864 was included in its composition.

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Valhalla (or Valhalla) - was a paradise for the ancient Scandinavians, where after death the Vikings dreamed of entering. The word "Valhalla" can be translated from the ancient Icelandic language as "the hall of the fallen" (in the battle of the soldiers). Often one may encounter the different spelling of the word "Valhalla". This is Valhalla, Valhalla, Valhalla.

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Since Soviet times, historically, the state required a large army, staffed by conscript soldiers. The duration of military service in this case was two years in the ground forces (three years before 1968), and three and four years in the navy, respectively. At the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, the army of the Russian Federation faced new strategic and political realities.

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Visits of world leaders, celebrations on the occasion of public holidays today are not complete without the participation of the guard of honor. This ceremony is a mandatory attribute and symbol of state power, emphasizing the high rank of the event or event. Moscow, the capital of the Russian state, is the main center and place where the honor guard in action is most often seen.

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About ninjas in medieval Japan were incredible legends. They said that a ninja warrior can fly, breathe under water, become invisible, and in general it is not people, but the creatures of demons. The whole life of any medieval ninja was surrounded by legends. In fact, all the fantastic stories about ninjas were born in the superstitious minds of uneducated medieval Japanese.

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Ground forces are the backbone of the army of any country in the world, and the Russian army is no exception. The ground forces of the Russian Federation are one of the three main types of troops of the Armed Forces of Russia, their main task is to conduct combat operations on land. Ground forces are the most ancient type of troops. In Russia, their story begins with the XIII century.

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More than half a century ago, one of the bloodiest military conflicts of the second half of the last century ended - the war on the Korean Peninsula. It lasted more than three years and claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. After it, 80% of the transport and industrial infrastructure of both Korean states were destroyed, millions of Koreans lost their homes or became refugees.

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You better chop wood for coffins - Penalty battalions are breaking through! Vladimir Vysotsky Among the huge number of tragic pages of the Second World War, the history of penal units occupies a special place. Despite the fact that more than 75 years have passed since the end of the war, disputes have not ceased around the penal battalions.

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For the rich history of the US Marine Corps, its leaders were constantly in a state of a kind of struggle with commanders from other types of national armed forces for the right to hold key posts in the highest management bodies. The parties constantly tried to "push elbows" standing in line for high-ranking positions of representatives of the American ground forces, air force and naval forces.

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US Special Forces troops have been counting since the struggle for independence from England. Then one of the British colonies opposed the colonial forces, using the tactics of the indigenous people of America. Later, special detachments began to appear in the United States, which in small numbers inflicted serious blows on the enemy.

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