Storage of weapons: how to obtain permission to store them, where and how to store them

Storage of hunting weapons at home can only afford those respectable citizens who possess the appropriate permits. It is always possible for citizens to purchase such permits when they apply to ATC at their places of residence.

For these purposes, potential hunters will have to bypass the relevant medical commissions, during the passage of which it is possible to witness people's sanity levels and to give them permission for firearms for personal use, because possession and use of weapons is a very serious thing. It is known that any hunting rifles can be acquired in specialized retail outlets only having the appropriate permits. Subsequently, the purchase is registered in the nearest to the place of residence of the ATS.

To date, a huge assortment of various modifications of firearms can confuse novice hunting enthusiasts. Nevertheless, the storage and carrying of weapons - this is the material with which beginners happen to get acquainted and thoroughly studied. For example, there are types of weapons that are acquired without permits, and also do not require additional registration in the law enforcement system.

These types of weapons can be correlated with:

  • Pneumatic revolvers;
  • Special designs that look like weapons;
  • Rifles and pistols having a muzzle energy not higher than 3 J;
  • Revolvers of no more than 6 mm caliber, as well as with their corresponding cartridges;
  • Other signal guns.

Despite the fact that all the above models, as a rule, are acquired in retail outlets with an appropriate specialization, such models must be stored taking into account the same principles as the "full-fledged" hunting rifles.

Further, it is desirable to consider information about the prohibitions that would serve as a warning to people. It is not recommended to keep at home not only hunting weapons, but also any other firearms, which at one time were handed over or donated to someone.

Any weapon must be subject to appropriate registration, and its owner must be indicated. If suddenly a firearm is found in someone's home, which does not belong to any of the people living in it, and even with no registration with the ATS, this could result in serious consequences for its owner. It may reach the transfer of the case to court, for example, for possession and carrying of weapons, which may entail criminal liability.

Keeping and carrying weapons at home

Storage of firearms must correspond to the registration of its owner, or actual residence. The selection of storage space for any weapon should be treated with all care. For these purposes, you will have to use metal safes or drawers that have reliable locks or locks.

The rules of storage of hunting or any other weapons at home allowed the use of wooden devices, pre-studded with metal sheets. Safes or cabinets should certainly be locked exclusively by their owners. Free access or even use by other people is strictly prohibited.

Weapon storage requirements: accommodation

In strict accordance with Russian legislation, Order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 288, dated April 12, 1999, the owners - legal entities are obliged to keep weapons with all auxiliary items, observing the following conditions:

  • The storage of ammunition should be carried out separately from the firearm. Hunting rifle cartridges should be stored separately from pyrotechnic compositions, as well as ammunition containing tear and irritating substances. Separately, the storage of types and copies of cartridges that misfire when firing;
  • Additional items with decoration, especially if they are made of precious metals or have precious stones, should be stored in an individual room;
  • Accordingly, the powder is stored in its cell separately from the rest of the ammunition.

Even if the owner of the weapon himself is not familiar with the rules and storage of hunting or small arms, he can only deal with placing everything in separate packages and boxes, then to put it all in the safe.

Storage of firearms: a little about the premises

Keep hunting rifles on the walls, decorated with carpets, as in the old days, these days will not work. When an avid hunter has at his disposal a whole collection of weapons, therefore, he will have to engage in equipping a weapon storage room.

It is known that every collector or hunter would like to boast of his arsenal and naturally demonstrate it, but how to do it without violating the law, how to comply with the conditions of weapons storage? For these purposes, it is possible to equip the so-called exhibition room. In such a room must be properly working fire and burglar alarms.

Sometimes, due to planning or for other reasons, it is simply impossible to install the above equipment. In such cases, the owners of the collections will have to worry to place metal boxes near the walls. At the same time, it will be necessary to ensure that the storage places have a secure attachment. This is done with steel bolts of a certain size. Thus, the diameter must be not less than 16 mm and the number of not less than two units.

Approaches with a degree of attachment of boxes to the walls are necessary to ensure personal safety, for example, to prevent tipping that may occur when opening doors. However, to simplify everything connected with the weapons storage room, you can use special built-in wardrobes, which, in fact, are intended for the storage of firearms. These cabinets have additional constipation, which means that you will not have to weld them yourself again or order the services of a welder, which would happen if you use a simple metal box.

In addition, the room with the CWC must be equipped with high-quality doors, and the windows must be metal bars. At the same time, it does not matter if the number of floors of an apartment is high, even if it is a “high-rise building”.

The order of keeping weapons in the safe

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that the weapons are kept in metal boxes or vaults. However, the actual rules for the storage of hunting rifles in the vaults very accurately indicate the order of storage, placement, and the choice of products themselves.

So, safes should be equipped with working combination locks, codes from which are known, should only be the owners of weapons. On the metal boxes themselves must also be strong locks.

In addition, safes or drawers should be beyond the reach of other family members living together. Based on the rules, neither the parents nor the spouses, and even more so the children should not have accurate information about the location of the safe. However, as well as information about the codes on the locks or the location of the keys to them.

The selection of safes is also extremely important and responsible. Based on the mechanisms of opening and closing of locks, they are divided into certain types.

They are:

  • Mechanical. those. traditional safes with combination locks. They function with the establishment of their own codes, followed by their introduction with the need to open or close;
  • The key. All known, ordinary. You should know that the owner of the weapon is responsible for finding the keys, which means that they should be exclusively with him;
  • Electronic. With the latest developments, which are based on the identification of "biometrics". The owners fix their fingerprints or retinal prints. When they need to open the doors, then they simply “insert their own parts of the body”. Such devices are extremely reliable. They are recommended for use in cases where someone has at his disposal rare or expensive weapon models;
  • Combined. With different mechanisms (key and electronic). Considered the most reliable.

Selecting safes, you should pay special attention to the thickness of the walls, which, on the basis of the Order, should not be less than 2 mm. Presented characteristics are usually indicated in the descriptions of safe models. As a rule, law enforcement agencies in the face of specially trained inspectors are engaged in this during the inspection.

More details about the characteristics of safes

Choosing safes, it is advisable to concentrate on such characteristics as good capacity, fire resistance and breaking resistance. Experts do not recommend purchasing budget Chinese models. Such products have short-lived locks, and the doors made of an unknown cheap metal can loosen after a short time, which can reduce the level of burglar resistance. This is at best, and may simply fall away.

Moreover, when choosing budget products that have electronic or combined locking mechanisms, one should be prepared for periodic or even systematic malfunctions. As a result, experts recommend the purchase of the highest quality models. However, if there is not enough money for such "branded" samples, then it is better to order a safe manufacturing service, there will be more confusion.

Fire or burglary safe, what is more important?

One of the important characteristics of safes for storing weapons is their fire resistance. Careless storage of small arms or gunpowder in the safe is bound to lead to serious consequences. As for gunpowder, it can simply explode.

To prevent such unfortunate consequences, it is desirable to choose models that have an additional fire-resistant coating. Usually this is stated in the descriptions of the models of safes by the manufacturer, which should be confirmed in the relevant certificates of quality. However, from the manufacturers themselves you can hear about such vaults with a hint of regret. And all because with such models it is impossible to properly ensure the reliability of protection against hacking. As an alternative, you can use the so-called "hybrid", but it will have to spend a lot of money.

Internal "filling" of safes

Choosing a safe, you should familiarize yourself with its internal structure. In particular, there should be compartments in which you can store separate weapons and separate ammunition. The compartments must be equipped with retainers or clips for secure fastening. As a result, the weapon must be in a fixed stationary position.

It is also advisable to get acquainted with the material from which the clips and fasteners are made. They are allowed to be made of plastic, wood or steel. At the bottom of the safe should form a certain bottom. It must be sheathed with wood, felt or plastic. In the result, a recess is made to position the rifle butt in it.

The internal parts of the safe doors are equipped with additional pockets and hooks for placing auxiliary equipment in them or on them. To the number of such equipment can be attributed all the necessary accessories for the care of weapons.

How to properly position the safe

It has already been mentioned that safes must be visually inaccessible for all living in an apartment or household of the owner of the weapon. Selecting a secluded place, it is desirable to adopt the existing rules. So.

A safe or metal weapon box must be placed:

  • Not closer than a meter and a half from the front door;
  • Not closer than half a meter to the window.

These are the basic requirements for the placement of safes in the premises. However, once the weapon is stored with ammunition, you will have to install safes away from the heating system to remove at least one meter. For convenient use and in accordance with the rules, the doors of the safes, when opened, should not be obstructed, including in the form of pieces of furniture.

Safes should certainly be hidden from human eyes through camouflage activities. Basically they are placed in wardrobes with linen. The current models of safes can be used in the corners of cabinets, where safes themselves are attached to the wall behind the furniture sets.

When such a disguise can not be organized, it does not hurt to use the bathroom for these purposes. In it, the safe can be placed under the sink and disguised as a cabinet with household chemicals. It should be borne in mind that all living in the apartment should not even suspect the true purpose of the cabinet.

You can use the built-in safes in the walls, which then disguise with paintings or photographs.

Guidelines for the acquisition and storage of hunting weapons

An approximate procedure for acquiring and registering hunting rifles for a novice hunter might look like this:

First, the future amateur hunter turns to the Department of Internal Affairs and informs the authorities about his intentions to buy weapons. There he receives the appropriate forms and passes a medical examination at the place of residence. Doctors are obligatory for passing: narcologist and psychiatrist.

Then again, the appropriate permission is issued to the ATS with payment of state duty, respectively, to the type of the form. With permission, the novice goes to a specialized outlet, giving permission there, making a purchase. And again goes to the ATS to register weapons.

On conducting inspections of the storage of firearms

You should know that since becoming the owner of a weapon at any time the police can check it, even in his absence. They usually check everything that has already been stated here. So, in the absence of a hunter, they will check the level of awareness of the storage of weapons of all people living in an apartment.

According to the results of the inspection, it may or may not be responsible for the illegal possession of weapons or the same possession of cold weapons. What if the family members will be shown to the police and the safe, and they will open it? And if the child brings a spare key from the safe? Therefore, before buying a weapon, you should weigh everything well and think: “Is it worth it?”