Fighter regiment will be quartered in the Russian Arctic

Russia's Northern Fleet will significantly increase its combat power at the expense of aviation. During this year, two squadrons of MiG-31 interceptors will be deployed in the city of Monchegorsk, Murmansk Region. And in the near future it is planned to deploy a new aviation regiment.

By the way, earlier in the Northern Fleet was already air regiment. It was based in the Kotlas region of the Arkhangelsk region. In its composition were the MiG-31. But in 2009 he was disbanded. Now instead of a regiment there is a squadron.

By the way, MiG-31 is ahead of many modern aircraft in its speed and altitude characteristics. The unique LTHs of the interceptor became the reason why these vehicles are located in the north of Russia, since this year the regular patrol of the Arctic zone by fighters began.

With the appearance of the “Dagger”, the MiG-31 received a new role for itself - the strike aircraft. The machine raises the rocket to a height of 25 km and accelerates to a speed of 3 thousand km / h, then the rocket begins autonomous movement, delivering warheads to the target up to 2 thousand km.

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