The Pentagon has invested $ 150 million in new laser

New weapons to the US Navy will open up broad prospects for high-energy lasers. The Pentagon has decided to enter into a contract with Lockheed Martin in the amount of $ 150 million to develop, assemble and supply the latest laser weapons for use on combat destroyers.

The innovative weapon system is a high-energy laser and includes an integrated optical-blinding surveillance system (HELIOS).

New laser features

A high-energy laser should create a charge of 60 to 150 kilowatts of constant power, sufficient to disable small craft, enemy aircraft drones and other equipment.

The technique will use the associated optical system to create a database of information about the area around the ship. This feature will be available through the use of powerful radar equipment Aegis Combat System, which is standard for the class of military destroyers of the Navy.

Another laser function is blinding the enemy or distorting the response of sensors and surveillance cameras on unmanned aerial vehicles. The blinded target will not be destroyed, as the operation will involve a low-power laser.

Rob Afzal, a senior scientist at Lockheed’s laser weapons systems, believes that the new weapons are of great practical importance for the Navy. This is the first stage of the program of laser weapons for the navy, which in itself is an innovative project in modern conditions the US Navy to introduce such technologies.

The development of weapons technology

Over the past few years, researchers have been testing demonstration specimens of solid-state laser weapons using an electric drive, the same as in the LaSS naval system used in the Persian Gulf.

One of two new laser installations that Lockheed is developing will be delivered by 2020.

After this stage, the Navy technicians will connect the laser with the combat ship control systems, the cooling system and the combat control. This will be different from the previously used Navy LaWS technology, which was not integrated with the USS Ponce ships systems for experimental practice.

Another new laser built by Lockheed will be sent to White Sands for accurate testing. The Lockheed contract includes continued funding of up to $ 942.8 million in personnel training, maintenance, support and additional lasers.

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