The United States will transfer its missile defense into space

The White House officially announced that a report was being prepared on its margins on the pressing military problems of our time. Namely, about missile defense. The document will focus on the placement of satellites and interception systems in space.

The representative of the American leadership also emphasized that space is a key reference point for the United States for the next step in missile defense development. However, according to experts, such desires are still beyond the capabilities of the United States.

The report will call for the further development of various concepts of missile defense. Other concepts include the placement in orbit of intercept systems and satellites equipped with laser systems.

However, as the news agency "Izvestia" emphasizes, all these are just common words. Specific decisions on the implementation of such ideas have not yet been taken.

Recall, the missile defense report will be the first since 2010. He will be represented by US President Donald Trump at the Pentagon.

Watch the video: EUROPE IS SAFE !!! NATO Military Missile Defense Mini Documentary (December 2024).