Washington bans Russia from exporting Sukhoi Superjet-100

As the domestic media reported the other day, the hope of the Russian aviation passenger short-haul airliner Sukhoi Superjet-100 cannot be exported, because the US Treasury has decided so! And worst of all, US budget financiers are right ...

It is noteworthy that the domestic passenger aircraft consists of almost 72% of foreign-made components. Among imported parts, 22% from the United States are also listed. These components were once developed and manufactured by Boeing. And despite the fact that after the arrival of the era of sanctions, the American aircraft manufacturer left the project without demanding compensation, in the USA they took that fact to the pencil. And now this 1/5 of the aircraft’s share has become the pretext for imposing a veto on Russia's all sorts of attempts to export the Superjet. That is, America refuses to issue an export certificate for the sale of this airliner to Iran.

Meanwhile, the first state that appreciated and wanted “Sukhoi” was the heir to Persia. However, due to the obstacles that have arisen, most likely the friendly Muslim country will not receive this super plane from us. At least in the near future.

According to experts, the release of this airliner exclusively for domestic use is a matter of knowingly unprofitable. For domestic demand in the Russian aviation market for such an aircraft is small. And its exit abroad strictly requires certification.

Only one way out - import substitution. That is, at least in the next three years to reduce the number of US components in the "Superjet" twice. From 22% to about 10% or less. And then the export will be allowed in accordance with international certificates.

But this concerns only the American components. But in the "Superjet-100" about 50% of the details received from such countries as France, Canada, United Kingdom. These cute countries can easily join anti-superjudged sanctions. After all, they have already joined the previous political economics.

In this case, according to experts, the plane will have to be re-recreated on fully domestic details. And with such a turn of events in three years, you can not cope ...

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