Russian pilots will learn to breathe fluid

Another technique described in the old science fiction, today confidently stepped into reality. Submariners, pilots and astronauts will learn to breathe fluid. According to the Advanced Research Fund, this will help them to safely endure significant overloads in flight and in the water column.

The Russian Laboratory for the Study of Liquid Breathing was established in 2016. Initially, her work was aimed at rescuing submarine crews. But, in addition to submariners, liquid breathing can be used by pilots and astronauts who also work in low or high pressure conditions.

While no human trials were conducted. However, scientists do not deny that such experiments are not far off. And human tests for breathing oxygenated liquids may begin in the foreseeable future. Animal tests are underway.

The Advanced Research Foundation was established in 2012 to promote research and development in the interests of Russia's defense and security. Activities are conducted in three main areas: chemical-biological and medical, physical-technical, and informational.

Watch the video: Astronauts May Learn to Breathe Liquid Oxygen to Bear High G-Force! (January 2025).