The Argentine Air Force received three IA 63 Pampa III aircraft

The Argentine Aviation Factory (FAdeA) delivered three IA 63 Pampa III aircraft to the Argentine Air Force, which will be used to combat drug trafficking on the northern border of the country.

This aircraft is fully built in Argentina. Pamp III reaches a maximum height of 13 thousand meters, has a length of 10.90 m, a wingspan of 9.69 m, a maximum speed of 870 km / h, a cruising speed of 650 km / h and a maximum range of 2.315 km. This new model has been upgraded and equipped with the latest technology, especially in the cockpit, where most of the devices are digital, from the fuel register to the mission planner.

The aircraft has a new Honeywell TFE 731-40-2N ​​engine, a tandem all-glass cockpit with an integrated navigation system, communication and attack system, four removable stations for armament. It can be equipped with two 7.62 mm machine guns, MK 81 bombs (113 kg) and 68 mm rocket launchers.

These aircraft are capable of long-range coastal patrols, can intercept highly maneuverable aircraft, attack ground targets and cover friendly troops.

The possibility of supplying these aircraft to other countries in South America is currently being considered.

Watch the video: Military Aircraft of Argentina 1927 to 2017 - Aviones Militares de Argentina (January 2025).