US shipped to Europe a huge batch of ammunition

The air forces of the United States of America quite recently transported a large amount of ammunition to the Rammstein air base in Germany. The information is presented on the official US command resource. It is stated that these weapons can be used as part of the European Initiative on Containment. This program was created under the government of Barack Obama to protect the United States of America and NATO countries from the potential threat of the Russian Federation.

Experts believe this explanation is very implausible and note that Washington is seeking such actions to increase its influence on the continent and use the Russian threat as a political factor to be able to put pressure on its allies.

The air forces of the United States of America delivered such a huge batch of ammunition that its volumes are comparable to the times of the conflict in Yugoslavia, which occurred in the 1990s.

"The largest batch of ammunition in modern history was delivered. About 100 containers loaded with various ammunition were unloaded in Rammstein," the United States European Command (USEUCOM) military organization website said.

The US military has repeatedly made statements in which they clarified that the main goal of such a large party is the development of this program.

Deterrence of Russia

This program was adopted by the government under President Barack Obama back in 2014. In addition to directly increasing the presence of the US Armed Forces on European territory, the program also includes assistance to countries that are at risk from Russia.

A few months ago, a new draft budget of the United States was adopted, in which about $ 6 billion was allocated from the budget for the containment program. These funds will also be organized joint exercises of the United States and NATO allies. It is also said about the increase in technology stored in Europe, which the US government plans to begin in the near future.

Watch the video: Venezuelan officials find large cache of weapons hidden at airport that were delivered from Miami (January 2025).