The famous "Kalashnikov" seriously engaged in the creation of electric motorcycles

The legendary concern "Kalashnikov" continues to develop in a new area for itself - the creation of electric vehicles. In June of this year, the company has already transferred 30 Pulsar electric motorcycles to the authorities in Moscow, but now the creators of the famous machine gun have decided to make a new engine for it. He will replace the Chinese power plant, standing today on the "Pulsars". The announcement of this appeared on the official website of the concern.

What is an electric motor for?

In the early summer of 2018, the Moscow Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development received 30 IZH Pulsar motorcycles with an electric power plant. They were purchased for the upcoming World Cup and were intended to patrol the streets of the capital.

Operating experience has shown significant advantages of the "Pulsars" over their gasoline counterparts. This bike can be used to patrol parks and recreation areas, it does not pollute the air and makes almost no noise. In addition, the use of the "Pulsar" on average is 12 times more profitable than a motorcycle with a gasoline engine.

Initially, the "Pulsar" was installed Chinese electric motor, which is best suited for its technical characteristics and cost. However, tests of its Russian counterpart are already being conducted, so, at least, it is reported on the Kalashnikov media website.

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