
Авиационные бомбы или авиабомбы - это один из основных видов авиационных боеприпасов, который появился практически сразу после зарождения боевой авиации. Авиабомба сбрасывается с самолета или другого летательного аппарата и достигает цели под действием силы тяжести. В настоящее время авиационные бомбы стали одним из основных средств поражения противника, в любом вооруженном конфликте последних десятилетий (в котором применялась авиация, конечно) их расход составлял десятки тысяч тонн.

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During the Cold War, the USSR and its allies paid more attention to the development of ground forces and missile weapons, while the United States and other NATO countries had an advantage at sea and more numerous air forces. The USSR had nothing that could compare with the American carrier strike groups (AUG) - real floating airfields that could operate anywhere in the world.

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One of the most important components of the strategy of hostilities at sea is to protect its own coast. A reliable means to ensure it is coastal anti-ship complexes capable of effectively “working” against enemy landing ships, its aircraft carrier groups, convoys and single ships.

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Mina Aviation non-contact anchor "Lira", product 365UP was adopted by the units of the Navy of the USSR in 1956. At the stage of development, it was planned to equip naval aviation units capable of blocking important sea routes as soon as possible. Thanks to the technical innovations used by Soviet engineers, it was possible to obtain a new type of mine weapon that could actively influence the combat situation on the maritime theater of military operations.

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The combined-cycle torpedo 53-39 of the 1941 type is a weapon that was mainly used to equip Soviet submarines, destroyers and naval aviation torpedo planes. A new Soviet torpedo was created taking into account the available data obtained in the course of military operations in the Atlantic during the first stage of the Second World War.

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In 2011, the Russian Federation launched an ambitious program of rearmament of the armed forces, which should be completed by 2020. Particular attention was paid to the modernization of the strategic forces (RVSN), the notorious nuclear shield, which is the key to Russia’s presence in the club of the most influential states of the world.

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One of the priorities for strengthening Russia's national security now is the modernization of its strategic nuclear forces. It is precisely the preservation of parity in the field of nuclear weapons (situations where states have comparable capabilities of nuclear strike forces) is the guarantor of Russia's sovereignty, the inviolability of its current borders and high status in the international arena.

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Despite the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, torpedoes, like a hundred years ago, remain one of the main types of weapons of the Navy. Moreover, torpedo weapons are the main means of defense and attack by submarines; they also remain the main instrument for fighting the underwater threat.

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The appearance of tanks on the battlefield was one of the most important events of the military history of the last century. Immediately after this point, the development of tools to combat these menacing machines began. If we carefully look at the history of armored vehicles, then, in fact, we will see the history of the confrontation of the projectile and armor, which has been going on for almost a century.

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People out of habit do not pay attention to the fact that the world on the planet during the last decades stands on the brink of an abyss, and with it not only the lives of billions of people, but also the integrity of the planet Earth itself. And this global danger of a global scale catastrophe has arisen since the creation of nuclear weapons and their means of delivery - intercontinental ballistic missiles.

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The emergence of submarines was a turning point in the history of the development of the navy. The first submarines brought real horror to the sailors, because how can you resist the enemy, hidden by the sea abyss, to the blow which can not be answered. Soon, the fight against enemy submarines became one of the most important combat missions for any navy.

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Международную политику западных стран (прежде всего Англии) конца XIX - начала XX века историки часто называют "дипломатией канонерок" (gunboat diplomacy) за стремление решать внешнеполитические задачи при помощи угрозы применения военной силы. Если следовать этой аналогии, то внешнюю политику США и их союзников последней четверти XX и начала нынешнего столетия можно смело назвать "дипломатией томагавков".

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F-1 fragmentation hand grenade is a reliable and effective means of defeating enemy personnel in a defensive battle. The effectiveness of the grenade is provided by the scattering of fragments formed from its cast-iron body at the moment of the explosion. The destructive force of these fragments remains at a distance of up to 200 m, which is its radius of destruction.

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"Rapidly moving German tanks could instantly crush the entire front line of defense, but interesting things began to happen on the battlefield. The first car literally stumbled out of the blue, jumping like a matchbox, and then froze. The sultan of flame appeared above the damaged car A little later, thick clouds of smoke appeared along with the roar of the explosion.

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A hand grenade is a powerful individual weapon. In the hands of a skilled and well-trained grenade fighter - a formidable and effective means of combat. Grenades jokingly called "pocket artillery," but in this joke there is a grain of truth. A hand grenade helps a fighter solve the same tasks on the battlefield as artillery: destroy enemy firing points, his manpower and military equipment.

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It can be stated with great confidence that today strategic nuclear forces are one of the main guarantees of the sovereignty of the Russian state. If we compare the current potential of the Russian army with the potential of the armies of the NATO countries (quantitative and qualitative), then this comparison will not be in favor of Russia.

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The epoch of the Cold War significantly added phobias to humanity. After the nightmare of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the horsemen of the Apocalypse found new traits and became real as never before. Nuclear and thermonuclear bombs, biological weapons, dirty bombs, ballistic missiles - all this carried the threat of mass destruction for multimillion megacities, countries and continents.

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The types of modern missile weapons are quite numerous and varied. Strategic missiles are designed to hit targets that are at a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, and usually carry a nuclear charge. However, there are other missiles whose mission is to destroy important objects located in the immediate rear of the enemy.

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Recently, the media can increasingly hear about cluster munitions. Mentions usually relate to the fighting in the east of Ukraine, as well as civil conflict in Syria. The most commonly mentioned aircraft cluster bombs. In this case, journalists do not get tired to remind that this type of ammunition is prohibited and refers to the so-called inhumane weapons.

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